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Remember a little while back when I teased some amazing news coming your way? The wait is over, and I am excited to share it with you finall
2 min read
Did you know that 70% of Nigerian online shoppers buy from international stores? Among these stores, SHEIN has become a favorite, offering t
8 min read
Every business owner wants to find their eureka moment, especially when sourcing products. However, the process of finding reliable wholes
18 min read
As you know, Heroshe Simplified is live and buzzing all over Lagos, and it is a dream come true for all of us Herostars. When we were first
7 min read
When I first started at Heroshe, we had no budget for ads or marketing. It was lean marketing all the way. I remember the sleepless nights w
28 min read
You are a business owner ready to take your venture to the next level. You've heard about the incredible potential of wholesale supplier
13 min read
A popular quote says, “Words aren’t just enough.” This one-liner can be interpreted to mean many things. My favourite is that words not back
“Best known beats best.” This is to say that even if you are the best eCommerce entrepreneur alive, it doesn’t matter how good you are if n
23 min read
Planning a trip to the Maldives can feel like stepping into a real-life postcard. With its turquoise waters, stunning coral reefs, and luxur
Welcome! If you've landed on this page, you're probably excited to explore the world of eBay. Whether you're new to the platfor
16 min read
Last year, I wrote an article on the Heroshe blog on Nigeria's best small business ideas. If you haven’t read it, take a moment to catch
10 min read
Hats off because the "Simplified" campaign is here to sprinkle some Heroshe magic all over Nigeria, and no, we're not holding
If you love staying on-trend without breaking the bank, chances are you've found yourself scrolling through ASOS and Boohoo's endles
11 min read
I am the kind of person who'd rather stay home than do pretty much anything else. It has to be for a good reason if I'm leaving the
4 min read
Our smartphones, tablets, and laptops aren't just disposable tools – they are complex machines with stories to tell. Some have lived a p
We recently received an interesting question on our Instagram: "What items can't I ship into Nigeria?" Understanding Nigeria