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eCommerce Guide to Writing SEO Product Descriptions (Examples + Templates)

eCommerce Guide to Writing SEO Product Descriptions (Examples + Templates)

As you read this sentence, someone is searching for the products you sell. They are typing in keywords on Google…

They are scanning through search results…

They have just clicked on a link…

But they have landed on someone else’s website. What a missed opportunity!

To ensure potential customers find your products next time, you need to choose your keywords wisely and craft your product descriptions with SEO in mind. 

Doing so will increase the chances of customers clicking on your listing and landing on your site.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of writing SEO-friendly product descriptions, providing you with examples and templates to help you attract and convert those valuable search engine visitors.

What is a product description?

A product description is a marketing copy that describes your product, its functions, and why someone might want to buy it. 

That is, it provides the much-needed information customers need to make a buying decision when they land on your page.

These details can be long or short, in sentence format, bullets, numbers, or even a story, but they should encourage a visitor to take the next step, which could be to "buy now" or "add to cart."

It usually includes details about the product's features, benefits, and unique qualities.

What does a product description do?

A well-written product description can do two things for your business. This will then lead to more sales, great customer experience, and even improve your brand reputation. These are:

Provide Information:

Aside from all the serenren, a product description should communicate all the important details of a product. This includes its features, benefits, the product's use, and any other extra information.

This ensures that anybody reading through has a solid understanding of the product and its functionality.

Persuade Customers:

Your product description should also persuade your customers that this is the product they should buy.

To do this, you have to emphasize the product's value by answering questions like  "How does this product solve a problem?" and "What sets it apart from similar products?" 

This persuasive element helps customers recognize the unique advantages and reasons why the product is worthwhile.

Here is an example of a persuasive product description from Stanley. With this description, you can visualize your drink being cold for hours, the cup fitting into your vehicle's cup holder, or holding it even as you walk down your street.

In an eCommerce strategy, product descriptions play a vital role in several ways:

Driving Sales:

A compelling product description can persuade potential customers to make a purchase by clearly outlining the product's features, benefits, and unique selling points.

Related: How To Increase Sales With Social Selling

Improving SEO:

Well-written descriptions with relevant keywords help improve search engine rankings, making it easier for customers to find your products through online search.

Enhancing Customer Experience: 

Detailed and accurate descriptions provide customers with all the information they need to make informed buying decisions, reducing uncertainty and increasing satisfaction.

Reducing Returns:

Clear descriptions help customers understand exactly what they're buying, reducing the likelihood of returns due to mismatched expectations.

Building Brand Trust:

Consistent and honest product descriptions build trust with customers, who can rely on you to provide accurate information.

Differentiating Products:

The eCommerce market space is competitive. And how you craft your product description to stand out from others can help bring more people into your customer base.

How to write an SEO Product Description 

Speak to your ideal customer

When I was much younger, hearing the "Doctor Iguedo gogo cleanser" advert never moved me. Why? I'm not their ideal customer, so the language wasn't hitting.

But when I had to deal with terrible acne that left no single space on my face, DANG skincare was a page I wanted to listen to because their message was hitting.

When writing product descriptions, avoid generic language or speaking too broadly. It may not give you the type of impact you want.

Instead, write like you are speaking to your ideal customer.  How would you communicate with your ideal customer if you were selling your product in a physical store? 

Your description should reflect a deep understanding of their needs, desires, and pain points. 

Related: How to Start an Online Fashion Store

Use language and tone that resonates with them. Address their specific concerns and highlight how your product can solve their problems or enhance their lives.

You create a more personal and engaging shopping experience by tailoring your message to your ideal customer. This makes it easier for them to see the value you are offering and increases the likelihood of a purchase.

In this example, Vegetology's description was so specific that at first glance, anyone looking for a caffeine-free energy boost after a hectic day will know that this is the product for them to try.

Focus on Benefits, not Features

It is easier to list your product's features and call it a day. But that approach misses a crucial element: the customer's perspective. 

Features are just facts about what a product has, while benefits explain why those features matter to the customer. 

Your customer isn't interested in the technical details or specifications; they're looking for how the product can improve their life or solve a specific problem. They want to know the real-world impact of what you're offering.

For instance, instead of just saying a smartphone has a 12MP camera (a feature), explain that it means effortlessly capturing stunning, high-quality photos so users can preserve their memories in vivid detail (the benefit).

 Instead of stating that a blender has a powerful motor, highlight that it allows them to make smooth, creamy soups and smoothies in seconds, saving time in their busy morning routine.

This is an example, but after reading through this product description, I just wanted to grab a piece of Braun JB9040BK TriForce Power Blender. What do you mean I can turn cold ingredients into warm soup with just a single function? Alexa, add this blender to my cart.

Focusing on benefits answers the customer's unspoken question: "What's in it for me?" This approach helps customers visualize the product's value in their lives and can be a powerful motivator in decision-making. 

In the words of an anonymous marketer, "The customer is always looking for what will make their life easier, not what makes your product better."

Use Persuasive and Engaging Language

When customers visit a physical store, seeing and feeling the products helps them form a mental picture of what the product will do.

For eCommerce, how you present your product can be as important as the product itself. 

Persuasive and engaging language can transform a simple description into a story that captivates your customers and drives them to take action.

Start by using active, vivid language that brings your product to life. Instead of saying, "This chair is comfortable," you could say, "Sink into the plush cushions of this chair and experience unparalleled comfort that cradles you after a long day." This paints a picture and makes the experience of using the product more tangible.

Use words that evoke emotions and appeal to the senses. If applicable, describe the product's texture, taste, or feel. 

Also, use persuasive techniques like highlighting scarcity ("Limited stock available"), or urgency ("Order now to enjoy free shipping"). These elements can create a sense of immediacy and encourage customers to act quickly.

Finally, don't be afraid to inject some personality into your descriptions. A touch of humor, warmth, or enthusiasm can make your descriptions more relatable and memorable. 

By using persuasive and engaging language, you're not just describing a product; you're telling a story that connects with your customers' emotions and desires. 

As someone who has had terrible experiences with sponges and washcloths, something about this makes me want to try it out. In this example, the Dollar Shave Club invites you to a refreshing bath with their shower cloth.

Incorporate Keywords Naturally

Incorporating keywords naturally into your product descriptions is essential for improving your search engine visibility and attracting the right customers

However, weaving these keywords seamlessly into your writing is important to keep the content engaging and easy to read.

Start by identifying the keywords your potential customers will likely use when searching for products like yours. 

These could include specific product names, features, benefits, or even common customer queries. Once you have these keywords, the challenge is to include them without making your descriptions sound awkward or forced.

For example, if you're selling a "wireless noise-canceling headphone," instead of stuffing your description with repetitive phrases like "wireless noise-canceling headphone," you could write something more fluid.

"Experience the freedom of wireless audio with our noise-canceling headphones, perfect for enjoying your favorite music without distractions." 

Here, the keyword is naturally integrated into a sentence highlighting the product's benefits.

To ensure keywords fit seamlessly, focus on creating natural descriptions and prioritize readability.

Use synonyms and related terms to avoid repetition and add variety to your writing. For instance, if "organic skincare" is your keyword, you might also refer to "natural skincare" or "eco-friendly beauty products" to keep the content diverse and engaging.

Remember, the goal is to create a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience while being search engine-friendly. 

Using Bullet Points for Readability

A study by the Nielsen Norman group showed that "people rarely read online. They are far more likely to scan than read word for word."

So, you have to make your product descriptions easy for people to read and get the needed information, and this is where using bullets comes into play.

Here’s how to effectively use bullet points in your product descriptions:

Highlight Key Features and Benefits: Use bullet points to list your product's most important features and benefits. This will help customers understand what the product offers at a glance.

  • Durable, high-quality materials ensure long-lasting use
  • Ergonomic design for maximum comfort
  • Available in a variety of colors to suit your style

Organize Information:

Group related information in bullet points to keep your description organized and focused.

  • Size options: Small, Medium, Large
  •  Material: 100% organic cotton
  •  Care instructions: Machine washable

Keep it Concise:

Each bullet point should be short and to the point. Avoid lengthy sentences and stick to the essentials.

  • Lightweight and portable
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Includes a one-year warranty

Enhance Visual Appeal:

Bullet points also improve the visual layout of your product description, making it more appealing and less overwhelming than large blocks of text.

  • Fast, free shipping on all orders
  • 24/7 customer support
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Use Similar Structure:

Ensure that each bullet point follows a similar structure for consistency and clarity.

  • Includes: Charger, user manual, and carrying case
  • Ideal for: Travel, office, and home use
  • Perfect gift: Birthdays, holidays, and special occasions

Using bullet points makes it easier for customers to quickly find and understand the most important aspects of your product. 

This enhances their shopping experience, reduces the effort needed to decide, and can ultimately lead to higher conversion rates. 

Include a call to action

One of the things I love about traders who sell on the bus is how they never fail to ask for a sale. They will give you all the features and benefits but tell you to buy. 

Do you think they don’t know you are supposed to buy after all the pep talk they’ve given? Of course, they do. But they don't want to leave anything to chance.

Call to action helps drive user engagement and conversion. Without it, potential customers may leave your site without taking action, which is a missed opportunity for you.

How to effectively use CTAs

Create a Sense of Urgency:

CTAs can create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to act quickly. This can be particularly effective for limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or low-stock items.


"Limited Stock Available – Order Now," "Shop Today and Save 20%"

Highlight Benefits and Incentives: 

Pair your CTA with a benefit or incentive to make it more compelling. This could be a special offer, free shipping, or a discount.


"Buy Now and Enjoy Free Shipping," "Subscribe Today for 10% Off Your First Order"

Use Clear and Actionable Language: 

Your CTA should use clear, actionable language that leaves no room for confusion. Strong, direct verbs like “Shop,” “Discover,” “Join,” and “Claim” can make your CTA more powerful.


"Discover More," "Join Our Community," "Claim Your Discount"

Place CTAs Strategically: 

Position your CTA where it’s easily visible and logically follows the product information. This could be at the end of the description, next to the product image, or as a sticky button on the page.


After describing the key benefits and features, place a prominent "Add to Cart" or “Buy Now” button below.

Match the CTA to the Customer’s Stage in the Buying Process: 

Tailor your CTA to where the customer is in their buying journey. For those ready to buy, use direct CTAs like "Buy Now." For those still considering, use softer CTAs like "Learn More" or "See Details."

Test and Optimize Your CTAs: 

Regularly test different CTAs to see which ones perform best. A/B testing can help determine which wording, placement, and design elements drive the most conversions.


Test variations like "Shop Now" vs. "Buy Now" to see which generates more clicks

Want to increase your conversion rate? Here are some of the most important call-to-action statistics.

How Long Should a Product Description Be for SEO?

The best length for a product description for SEO depends on the product. Search engines like detailed content, but quality is more important than quantity.

 A short 125-word description can work for simple products. However, more complex items like electronics or furniture might need a longer 300-word description.

 The key is to strike a balance between providing valuable information for customers and optimizing for search engines.

How to do Keyword Research

How do you write an SEO Product Description if you do not know what your audience is looking for?  This is where keyword research comes into play.

Keywords are search queries (what people are looking for) that you want to rank for, and using them in your product descriptions can make all the difference.

You can use tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, and to find what people want. These tools give you valuable data on the following:

  • Search volume: (the number of people looking for that keyword).
  • Keyword difficulty: how easy it is to rank for that keyword.
  • Keyword idea: Variations of that keyword people search for online.
  • Intent: This tells you if the buyer's intent is transactional (wants to make a purchase) or Informational (looking for information on the topic).

Let's see an example using Semrush's Keyword Magic Tool. 

Enter a word related to the product you want to write for, choose your country, and click on search.

When you click on search, you will see keywords people use when searching for your product online.

Change the search intent to transactional to get a clearer picture of what they look for when making a purchase.

Like this:

To optimize your product feed, filter for keywords that trigger product listing ads and other Google shopping features.

Once you’ve finished applying all your filters, choose the keywords you want to target and ensure you use them in your product description. Generally. 

The image below gives you an idea of what people search for when they look up wedding rings online with transactional intent.

Where to Add Keywords in a Product Description


Including keywords in the URL helps search engines understand what your product page is about and makes it easier for users to identify the content.

To do this, create a clean, readable URL incorporating the primary keyword. Avoid long, complex URLs with unnecessary parameters like numbers.


Product Title (H1):

The product title is one of the first things search engines and users see. A well-optimized title with keywords can significantly impact your ranking and click-through rate.

To do this, include the primary keyword at the beginning of the product title. Ensure the title is compelling and accurately reflects the product.

Example: "Organic Face Cream for Glowing Skin | 50ml"

In the Product Description

Integrating keywords naturally into the product description helps search engines understand the product and improves its relevance for specific searches.

To do this, use the primary and related keywords throughout the text. Aim for a natural flow and avoid keyword stuffing. Include keywords in the first 100 words and subheadings throughout the content.


Introduction: "Our organic face cream is designed to give you glowing skin naturally. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this cream hydrates and revitalizes your complexion."


"Key Benefits of Our Organic Face Cream"

In the Alt Image Tags:

Alt tags describe images to search engines, improving accessibility and helping your images rank in search results.

Example: <img src="organic-face-cream.jpg" alt="organic face cream for glowing skin">

Meta Descriptions:

The meta description appears in search engine results and can impact click-through rates. 

To do this, write a concise, compelling meta description that includes the primary keyword and entices users to click on your product page.

Example: Discover our organic face cream, specially formulated for glowing skin. Order now and experience the natural difference!"

By strategically placing keywords in these key areas, you enhance the SEO of your product description, making it easier for search engines to index and rank your product while also improving user experience.

Templates to Try Out

Template 1: Basic Product Description

[Product Title]

URL: []

Meta Description: Discover our [keyword], perfect for [benefit]. Shop now and enjoy [unique selling point].

Introduction: Our [product keyword] is designed to [main benefit]. Whether you're looking for [problem solution] or [secondary benefit], this product has you covered.

Key Features:

  • [Feature 1]: Description including keyword
  • [Feature 2]: Description including keyword
  • [Feature 3]: Description including keyword

Benefits: Experience the advantages of [product keyword], such as [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Ideal for [target audience], it ensures [positive outcome].

Call to Action: Don't miss out on our [product keyword]. Add to cart now and enjoy [unique selling point].

Image Alt Tag: <img src="product.jpg" alt="[product keyword]">

Template 2: Detailed Product Description

[Product Title]

URL: []

Meta Description: Explore our [keyword], offering [main benefit]. Perfect for [target audience]. Order today!

Introduction: Introducing our [product keyword], a [short description]. This product is crafted to [main benefit], ensuring [positive outcome].

In-Depth Features:

  • [Feature 1]: Detailed description including keyword
  • [Feature 2]: Detailed description including keyword
  • [Feature 3]: Detailed description including keyword
  • [Feature 4]: Detailed description including keyword

Usage Instructions: Using our [product keyword] is simple: [step-by-step instructions].

Customer Testimonials: "I love the [product keyword] because [customer benefit]." – [Customer Name]

Benefits: Enjoy the benefits of [product keyword], including [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. It's perfect for [target audience], helping you achieve [desired result].

Call to Action: Ready to experience the [main benefit] of our [product keyword]? Order now and get [special offer].

Image Alt Tag: <img src="product.jpg" alt="[product keyword]">

Template 3: Technical Product Description

[Product Title]

URL: []

Meta Description: Discover our [keyword], engineered for [specific use]. Perfect for [target audience]. Buy now!

Introduction: The [product keyword] is a top-of-the-line [category], designed to [main benefit]. With its [specific feature], it stands out as the best choice for [target audience].

Technical Specifications:

  • Dimension: [specific dimensions]
  • Weight: [product weight]
  • Material: [product material]
  • [Feature 1]: Detailed description including keyword
  • [Feature 2]: Detailed description including keyword
  • [Feature 3]: Detailed description including keyword

Benefits: Our [product keyword] offers unmatched [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Designed for [specific use], it ensures [positive outcome].

Usage Instructions: To get the best results from your [product keyword], follow these steps: [step-by-step instructions].

Call to Action: Get your [product keyword] today and enjoy [unique selling point]. Add to cart now.

Image Alt Tag: <img src="product.jpg" alt="[product keyword]">

Template 4: Creative Product Description

[Product Title]

URL: []

Meta Description: Unveil the magic of our [keyword]. Perfect for [target audience]. Order yours today!

Introduction: Meet our [product keyword], the ultimate solution for [problem]. Imagine [positive scenario], all thanks to [product keyword].

Key Features:

  • [Feature 1]: [Engaging description including keyword]
  • [Feature 2]: [Engaging description including keyword]
  • [Feature 3]: [Engaging description including keyword]

Benefits: With [product keyword], you'll experience [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Ideal for [target audience], it transforms [specific aspect] into [positive outcome].

How It Works: Our [product keyword] works by [simple explanation]. It's as easy as [simple steps].

Customer Testimonials: "[Product keyword] changed my life! Now I can [positive outcome]." – [Customer Name]

Call to Action: Don't wait to transform your [specific aspect]. Add the [product keyword] to your cart and enjoy [special offer] now!

Image Alt Tag: <img src="product.jpg" alt="[product keyword]">

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Wrapping It Up

Creating compelling and SEO-friendly product descriptions is an art that can impact your eCommerce success. 

Understanding the importance of keywords, where to place them, and how to speak directly to your ideal customer can boost your search engine rankings and customer engagement.

Remember to focus on benefits over features, use persuasive and engaging language, and ensure readability with bullet points. Each product should have a unique description, complete with a clear call to action to guide potential buyers. 

Talking about a call to action, now is the right time to subscribe to the Heroshe blog to get more insightful content on how you can grow your eCommerce business.



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