Get Familiar With Our New Shipping Status

As Africa's leading global commerce enabler, we strive to make the shipping experience as easy as possible for our customers. That's why we recently launched Heroshe Post - our new customer dashboard.
The new dashboard came with some interesting changes, and if you have noticed, the shipment status is different. Now, you can notify us about an incoming package, and know exactly what stage it is in before it gets to you in Nigeria.
The purpose of this article is to explain the different statuses. The other option is you can click on the status on your dashboard to know its meaning.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!

Expected: This appears when you notify us that you are expecting a shipment. You can trigger it by entering your tracking ID in the search bar.
Received: This indicates that our USA warehouse has received your package but they’re yet to process it. It takes about 24-72 hrs. to process it and this is based on the influx of items to be processed at the warehouse.
Processed: When you see this, it means that the U.S warehouse has processed the package and it is ready for payment. Once any package has been paid for, the processed label automatically turns green, while the unpaid package remains as it is.
Packed: This indicates that the U.S warehouse is done with packing your item. At this stage, the item has been added to the manifest and it’s ready for drop off at the airport. (A manifest contains multiple items packed together into a ready-to-ship box.)
Dropped off: This indicates that we have dropped off the packed shipments in the manifest at the airport. At this point, they are undergoing preparations for shipping.
Shipped: This indicates that the dropped-off items have shipped and left the airport heading to Nigeria. Please note that some flights don’t have a direct connection to Nigeria, so they will move the shipment to a connecting flight from another country before it gets to Nigeria. In some cases, this can take a while.
Clearance: This means that your shipment is currently in Nigeria undergoing Customs clearance.
Sorted: Finally, your shipment has been received at the Lagos warehouse and it is being sorted for pickup or dispatch.
Pickup: Yaay! This indicates that your shipment is ready for you to pick up at our Lagos warehouse.
Picked up: This indicates that a shipment has been picked up.
Dispatched: This indicates that your package has been assigned to our delivery partners, to be dispatched to your address.
Delivered: This indicates that we have fulfilled our promise to you and we’ve delivered your package to you.
I hope this makes it easier for you to track your package, and know when to expect it to be delivered. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.