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7 Effective Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Sales

7 Effective Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Sales

Did you know that over 5 billion people are active social media users worldwide? That's more than half of the global population. With such a massive audience, it's no wonder that businesses are flocking to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok to reach potential customers.

But it's not just about the numbers. Social media has fundamentally changed how people discover, research, and purchase products. According to a survey by GlobalWebIndex, 54% of people use social media to research products. That means your potential customers are actively seeking out information about your products and services on social media platforms.

So, if you're not leveraging social media to promote your business, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with customers and drive sales. But here's the thing: simply having a presence on social media isn't enough. To truly harness its power, you need a strategic approach.

That's where this blog comes in. We will explore 7 effective ways to use social media to boost sales for your business. Whether you're a small business owner looking to increase foot traffic to your store or an e-commerce entrepreneur aiming to scale your online sales, there's something here for everyone. So grab a pen and paper (or your favourite note-taking app), and let's dive in!

Optimise your profile

Instagram is fast becoming a place for people to make searches when they need something. I recently wanted to buy a dress, so I typed “fashion store” on the search bar, and many profiles came up. When using social media to boost your sales, you want to ensure that your profile is optimised when people search for keywords related to your brand. Here are some tips  to work by:

Complete your profile:
First things first, make sure your profile is filled out. That means filling in all the blanks—your bio, contact information, and other details relevant to your business. Incomplete profiles can make you look unprofessional and could turn potential customers away before they even get a chance to learn about what you offer.

Use compelling visuals:
Visuals are crucial to catching people's attention on social media. Use eye-catching images and graphics that reflect your brand's personality and style. Your profile and cover photos should be clear, high-quality images representing your brand well. Consistency is also important—use the same colours, fonts, and style across all your social media profiles to create a cohesive look that makes your brand instantly recognisable.

Write a clear bio:
Your bio is like your elevator pitch—it's your chance to tell people who you are and what you're all about in just a few words. Ensure your bio is captivating and attention-grabbing, giving people a reason to follow and engage with your content. Use language that speaks directly to your target audience and highlights what sets you apart from the competition.

shipheroshe Instagram profile

Use clear calls-to-action:
Don't leave your followers guessing what you want them to do next. Use clear calls-to-action (CTAs) in your bio to guide them towards purchasing or learning more about your products or services. Whether it's "Shop Now," "Sign Up," or "Learn More," your CTAs should be straightforward and compelling, encouraging users to take the next step.

an optimised Instagram profile

Use of keywords:
Keywords are the words and phrases people search for on social media. By including relevant keywords in your bio, display name and posts, you can make it easier for potential customers to find you. Think about the words and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for products or services like yours, and incorporate them naturally into your content.

Use links:
Include links to your website, product pages, or other relevant pages in your bio and posts to make it easy for people to take action. Use shortened links or link-shortening tools to keep your posts looking clean and professional. You can also use link tracking tools to see how many people click on your links and which drive the most traffic and sales.

Utilise User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is the new school of marketing and advertising as more people use it in their businesses. UGC is gold for any business. It is what your customers do to create a buzz around your product or service; it’s the pictures and videos they take, the reviews they leave, and the way they rave about you online.

UGC can make a big difference in your marketing efforts because it’s real. Think about it. When was the last time you bought something online without checking the reviews? Exactly. We all do it. We want to know what others think and what their experiences were like. 

Here are a few  ways  you  can utilise  UGC in your marketing efforts:

Showcase customer testimonials:
One way to use UGC is to showcase the real-life experiences of people using your products or services. You can do this by sharing customer testimonials—those little snippets of joy where people rave about how awesome your product/ service is. Use a section of your profile highlights to showcase customer testimonials.

Instagram highlights

Encourage customers to share:
Not everyone who buys from you or uses your service will remember to leave reviews. It then becomes your responsibility to actively encourage your customers to share their experiences on social media. You're tapping into a whole new level of marketing by encouraging them to share pictures, videos, or just their thoughts about your product on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

For example, a lady on my X (formerly known as Twitter) contact list sells food and pastries. Every day, she’s dropping customer reviews. One of those reviews prompted me to buy from her, and when I got my items, she sent me a message saying, “Please take pictures and talk about it on your timeline.” If you do this with everyone who buys from you, in no time, you will have a community of fans.

Highlight the content:
Once they start sharing, don't keep it to yourself—shout about it! Highlight that content in your own social media posts. Share those customer photos, repost their stories, and retweet their tweets. Not only does this show appreciation for your customers, but it also adds authenticity to your brand. People see that real people are enjoying your products, and that's a powerful marketing tactic.

Sell Directly on Social Media

Gone are the days when social media was just for chatting with friends and sharing memes. Now, it's a powerhouse for businesses to sell their products and services directly to customers. Imagine scrolling through your favourite social media app and stumbling upon a post about a product you've been eyeing. With just a few taps, you can buy it immediately without ever leaving the app. That's the magic of selling directly on social media.

Why sell directly on social media?

It is convenient. Think about it – you spend hours on social media daily. So why not make it easy for customers to buy from you without going to another website?

It's effective. According to recent studies, around 87% of shoppers say social media helps them make purchasing decisions. People trust recommendations from friends and influencers, and when they see products being sold directly on their favourite platforms, it adds credibility.

To start selling on social media, you need to:

Set up shop:
Most social media platforms now offer built-in shopping features that allow businesses to set up virtual storefronts. Whether it's Facebook Shops, Instagram Shopping, or Pinterest Shopping, you can create a catalogue of your products and showcase them to your followers. You can also create dedicated accounts on platforms like  X (formerly known as Twitter) to sell your products.

Related: How to Start an Online Fashion Store

Create compelling posts:
Once your shop is set up, it's time to promote your products. Create eye-catching posts with high-quality images or videos highlighting your products' features and benefits. Use engaging captions that encourage people to learn more or make a purchase.

Make buying easy:
The key to selling directly on social media is to make the buying process seamless. Use features like "Shop Now" buttons or "Swipe Up" links to direct customers to your product pages. The fewer steps it takes to make a purchase, the more likely people will buy. 

Avoid the “DM for price tactic” by all means possible. Doing this interrupts the buying process, and a customer will most likely not DM you to inquire about the pricing. Make sure all the information needed to shop your product is available on the post promoting that product or on your catalogue,

Related: 6 Amazon Seller Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Use Social Listening to Find out What People Want

Social listening helps you tune into what people say about your brand, products, competition and what's happening in your industry on social media.  With social listening, you’re like Lady Whistledown of Bridgerton, ready to hear your intended audience's happy and frustrating moments.

One of the major highlights of social listening is that it helps you gather insights about your audience. By paying attention to what people are saying, you can figure out what they want and need. Maybe they're asking for a new feature on your product or raving about something you didn't even realise they liked. Understanding these preferences helps you tailor your products or services to better suit your customers.

Social media isn't just a place for happy stories; it's also where people vent their frustrations. Listening in lets you identify common pain points or issues your customers face. Maybe they're having trouble with your website or wish your product came in a different colour. Knowing these pain points allows you to address them and improve the customer experience.

Related: How to Start Dropshipping in Nigeria

Fast and affordable shipping from the US to Nigeria

Create Personalized Shopping Experiences

In today's crowded online marketplace, making your customers feel special and understood can make all the difference. Personalising their shopping experience can lead to higher satisfaction, increased engagement, and more sales.

Segment your audience:
First things first: understanding who your customers are is crucial. By breaking them down into groups based on demographics (age, gender, location), interests (what they like, hobbies), and past behaviour (purchase history, website interactions), you can better tailor your marketing efforts. Segmentation lets you speak directly to your customers' needs and desires, making your marketing messages more effective. It is so effective that  80% of business leaders attributed an increase in profit to their audience segmentation efforts.

Deliver targeted content and offers:
Once you've identified these segments, it's time to get personal. Create targeted social media posts and advertisements that speak directly to each group's interests and preferences. For example, if you sell hair products and know a segment of your audience has natural hair, tailor your promotions to include content around natural hair.  If you think personalisation will be time-consuming and tiring, think again. The benefits it brings to your business are magnificent. 

Use retargeting ads:
Ever checked online for a product only to see ads for it everywhere you go? That's retargeting in action. By showing ads to users who have already shown interest in your products or visited your website, you can gently nudge them back towards making a purchase.

Create Value with Content

One thing that will set you apart from your competitors is the content you post on your social media platforms. When we say content, we look at valuable content that sparks interest and keeps people engaged. Since social media is a two-way street, not a monologue, the content you share should encourage people to engage with your brand.

Think about it: when was the last time you lingered on a social media post that didn't catch your eye or teach you something new? You probably scrolled past it speedily. That's why your content needs to be on point every time you hit that "post" button.

When creating content, you also have to be consistent. Being consistent can make all the difference, as it keeps the conversation going, helps you build trust and credibility, and drives engagement for your brand.

Marketinng and trends report

Monitor and Analyze Results

Once you've implemented your social media strategy, keeping an eye on how things are going is important. This step helps you understand what's working well and what could be better. Here's how you can do it:

Use analytics tools to track key metrics:
Analytics tools help you see how people interact with your posts. Metrics like engagement tell you how many likes, comments, and shares your content is getting. Click-through rates show you how many people are clicking on your links. Conversions tell you how many people are buying your products or signing up for your services.

Identify successful strategies and areas for improvement:
Once you've gathered all this data, look for patterns in your most successful posts. Are there certain types of content that always get a lot of likes? Do certain topics or hashtags seem to resonate with your audience? Find out these topics and post types and utilise more of them in your upcoming posts.

On the flip side, pay attention to the posts that aren't performing as well. Maybe they're not getting as many clicks or comments. Or maybe they're not leading to as many sales. Improve on them and keep monitoring to see how they perform.

Adjust your social media strategy:
Monitoring your performance can help you note what you should do more of and what you should do less of, thus helping you build your social media strategy. Maybe you'll decide to post more content your audience loves. Or perhaps you'll try out some new tactics to see if they can help boost your engagement.

One thing to always remember is that your social media strategy isn't set in stone. It's more like a living, breathing thing that evolves. By staying flexible and adapting to your audience's wants, you'll be well on your way to maximising your sales growth.


Using social media to boost sales is crucial for businesses today. Implementing at least one of the strategies we have discussed can improve your business and sales.

But remember, it's not a one-time thing. Social media optimisation is an ongoing process. You can't just set it and forget it. Keep tweaking, testing, and trying new things to keep your sales growing over time. Stay active, stay engaged, and watch your sales improve.

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Ilaya Teejay

Ilaya Teejay

Ilaya Teejay is the Content Marketing Associate at Heroshe. She believes words can shape user experiences, and she's turning this belief into a career that helps people and businesses succeed.