How To Increase Sales With Social Selling

Do you sometimes feel frustrated about having great products ready for sale only to see them gathering dust on your warehouse shelves? Did you know that you can increase your sales with social selling? With social media's increased influence, traditional selling methods are sometimes not enough. As such, business owners like you must do one thing the universe likes: adapt.

That is where social selling comes in. You can leverage social media platforms to connect with customers, increase sales and create long-lasting relationships. But what exactly is social selling, and how can it help you increase your online sales? This article explores this powerful technique and teaches you to harness its potential to take your business to new heights.

Interested? Then, let us dive right in.

What is Social Selling?

Social selling involves using social media to engage with potential customers, build relationships and drive sales. You can share relevant content, connect with prospects and establish credibility for your brand.

Michael Humblet, the host of the Sales Acceleration Show, explains it excellently in the video below:

What are the Benefits of Social Selling?

For small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), entrepreneurs, startups, and marketing professionals alike, social selling offers many benefits:

Increased Brand Visibility

Social selling is a great way to increase brand awareness and visibility. I have noticed brands using fun transition videos to promote their services lately. These fun reels are then shared beyond the existing customers, allowing them to reach new potential leads. Research shows that 61% of organizations using social selling see revenue growth because social media platforms provide an extensive reach. So, basically, more people notice your brand when you use social selling strategies.

Targeted Marketing
Social selling can help you increase online sales, even if you own a physical store. Social media lets you find out what your customers like and need. This lets you create content and offers that match their interests, making attracting and keeping their attention easier.

According to a Hubspot survey, over 50% of social sellers consider audience targeting a key benefit of social selling. With targeted marketing, you can engage with your audience in a personal way. You can track potential leads and send personalized messages and offers. This builds trust and stronger relationships and encourages your in-store customers to shop online. By integrating social selling into your strategy, you can reach a broader audience and increase overall sales.

Build Trust
Social selling helps you gain customer trust, especially if you run a physical store and want to sell more online. Did you know that 75% of all internet users check out brands on social media before buying? You can create a more personal connection by engaging with customers on social media platforms. Share stories about your products, give peeks behind the scenes at your store, and reply quickly to customer messages. This transparency and interaction show that you are a real person behind the business, which builds trust and loyalty.

Plus, social selling lets you show off testimonials and reviews from happy customers. Sharing positive feedback and showcasing user-generated content can further enhance your credibility. By staying in touch and sharing cool stuff, you create a community vibe that makes people trust you even more. And that trust can mean more sales for your online shop.

Shorter Sales Cycles
A sales cycle is the number of events that happen between when someone becomes aware of your product and pays for it. Instead of waiting for customers to find your physical store, you connect with them directly on social media. 

With social selling, you are simplifying the journey from discovery to purchase. You can display your products, answer queries, and complete transactions on the same social platform. This instant interaction adds convenience for your customers and speeds up their decision-making process. As a result, you will see a boost in online sales for your business.

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How to Increase Your Sales With Social Selling

Here are 7 ideas to increase your sales with social selling. You can use this table of contents to jump directly to the section that interests you the most:

  1. Create Your Social Selling Strategy.
  2. Choose the Right Channels.
  3. Create Your Sales-Ready Profile.
  4. Engage and Connect.
  5. Convert Followers Into Customers.
  6. Get Help from Influencers and Customers.
  7. Share User-Generated Content.

Create Your Social Selling Strategy
The first step is to create a social selling strategy. Think of this like drawing a map before going on a trip. Your strategy is your plan for using social media to sell. Start by setting clear goals: what do you want to achieve? Is it increasing website traffic, generating leads, or growing your online sales? Having these specific goals will keep you on track. Then, figure out who your ideal customers are. What are their interests, pain points, and behaviors?

This insight will help you plan your content strategy. What type of content will resonate with your audience? What messaging will drive them to take action toward your objectives? By following this strategic framework, you can achieve your goals and track progress.

Choose the Right Channels
Not all social media platforms are created equal. Imagine social media as a big party with different rooms. Each room (or channel) has its vibe and people. You don't have to be at every party, just the ones where your customers are. Start by researching where your target audience spends their time online. Do they scroll through Instagram regularly or prefer engaging in Facebook groups? Once you have a clear picture of their preferences, select the platforms that align best with your business objectives. 

If your customers like photos and visuals, Instagram might be the place for you. If they like news and updates, Twitter could be better. The major goal is to choose channels where your audience is. It is better to focus your efforts on a few key channels where you can make an impact instead of spreading yourself across multiple channels. Choosing the right channels will maximize your reach and connect with the right potential customers.

Create Your Sales-Ready Profile
Your social media profile is your online storefront, and just like a physical store, it needs to be inviting and informative. Start by selecting a profile picture that represents your brand. This can be a professional headshot or your logo; ensure it is recognizable and reflects your brand identity.

Next, craft a compelling bio that tells visitors who you are and what you do concisely and engagingly. Use keywords related to your industry to help people find you more easily. Don't forget to include a link to your online store so that potential customers can easily navigate from your profile to your website. The goal of your profile is to make people want to learn more about you and your products.

Engage and Connect
Social media is not just a megaphone; it is a conversation. Imagine chatting with a friend about your favorite hobby - that is how you should approach social media. Share valuable content related to your products, answer questions, and ask for opinions. Be helpful and friendly, and people will want to stick around. For 45% of sellers, the ability to build a community and actively engage with them is the most important feature a social media platform should have when it comes to social selling.

Encourage conversations by asking questions, responding to comments, and joining relevant discussions. The more you engage with your audience, the stronger your relationships will become. Remember, social media is about building trust and rapport over time, so focus on providing value in your interactions. By engaging and educating your audience, you will position yourself as a trusted authority in your industry and attract more customers to your online store.

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Convert Followers Into Customers
You have built a loyal following on social media, and now it is time to turn those followers into paying customers. Make it easy for people to buy from you by sharing direct links to your products and promotions. Offer exclusive discounts or incentives for your social media followers to entice them to purchase. Ensure excellent customer service by responding promptly to inquiries and concerns. 

Ultimately, the goal of social selling is to convert followers into customers. Once you have established trust and rapport with your audience, seamlessly transition them into the sales funnel by providing compelling calls-to-action, exclusive offers, and personalized recommendations.

Get Help from Influencers and Customers
Think of influencers and satisfied as the cool kids at school who everyone listens to. They can help spread the word about your products to their followers. According to a Hubspot survey, 25% of social media users have bought a product based on an influencer’s recommendation. Reach out to influencers in your niche and see if they'd be interested in promoting your products to their followers. Look for influencers whose values align with your brand and whose audience matches your target demographic.

Also, don't underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing from your existing customers. Encourage them to share their experiences with your products on social media. By leveraging this influence, you will increase your reach and sales.

Share User-Generated Content
User-generated content is like a free advertisement from your customers. It is when your customers create content about your products and share it with their friends. It is authentic, relatable, and incredibly powerful in building trust and credibility for your brand. 87% of businesses say UGC increases their sales, while 92% say it increases brand awareness.

Encourage your customers to post photos or reviews of your products and share them on social media. It shows that people love your products and creates a sense of community around your brand. It also serves as social proof, showing that real people use your products and enjoy using them.

Actionable Steps to Start Social Selling

Ready to harness the power of social selling for your business? Here are some actionable steps to get started:

  • Define your social selling goals and objectives.
  • Research your target audience and identify the most relevant social media platforms.
  • Optimize your social media profiles for sales and engagement.
  • Develop a content strategy focused on providing value and building relationships.
  • Engage with your audience consistently and authentically.
  • Monitor your performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Social selling is like having a friendly chat with your customers where they already hang out online. It's about being present, helpful, and genuine. You can build strong relationships and trust by understanding your audience, creating engaging content, and actively participating in conversations.

Starting with social selling might seem like a lot, but just take it one step at a time. Begin by setting up your strategy, then slowly build your presence and interactions. Your sales will grow with patience and effort, and your brand will become more visible and trusted.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into social selling and watch your business reach new heights. Happy selling!