5 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making When Shipping From The USA to Nigeria

The e-commerce market in Nigeria is fast growing. In fact, a study showed that the country has the highest internet penetration rate in Africa. It boasts a population with a high rate of smartphone usage. This means that Nigerians are shopping online more than ever before. Few people want to go to a physical store and deal with the hassle of parking, rude salespeople, and cramped aisles when they can buy it online and have it delivered.
To capitalize on this trend, many global retail brands have started making their products available directly to consumers from their websites. But while shopping online is now relatively easy, shipping is still a challenge for many people. The logistics and processes involved are complex, and so many details can go wrong. There are also so many customs laws, taxes, and shipping restrictions that you need to be aware of.
Shipping from the USA to Nigeria is no exception. There are many pitfalls to watch out for and specific challenges you need to be aware of when shipping from the USA to Nigeria. These include everything from unexpected costs to regulatory complications. This blog post will cover five common mistakes you make when shipping from the USA to Nigeria and tips for avoiding these pitfalls. Read on to learn more!
Why Do People Ship From The USA To Nigeria?
There are many reasons why Nigerians shop in US online stores. One major reason is that they have access to higher quality products and services that are unavailable in Nigeria. As mentioned earlier, millions of Nigerians are online looking for electronics, clothes, and other products they can't find in Nigeria. And what do they see? Great deals on products like electronics and clothes!
Second, it is easier to find items you want in the USA since Amazon and other US-based websites have a much more extensive selection than in Nigeria.
Another reason Nigerians shop online and ship to Nigeria from the USA is because they can get better prices. For example, an iPhone 13 currently retails at Computer Village for N700,000 ($1007), but the same phone costs $800 on Amazon.
Mistakes People Make When Shipping From The USA to Nigeria
Doing The Wrong Research.
The first thing to do is do your research. You must research before choosing a company to ship your item from the USA to Nigeria. Check the history of the shipping company with its clients. Have they had previous shipping issues? Are they currently shipping right now?
Before shipping, ensure the company has a good reputation and accreditation from the TSA and IATA. It would help if you also looked for a reputable company that offers excellent service and customer support.

Not Having A Reliable Shipping Company.
It would help if you also considered using a reliable shipping company when shipping from the US to Nigeria. This means more than just choosing one with a good reputation and track record of delivering on time, but instead using an established company that has been in the industry for years. Why is this so important? Because it shows that they will deliver your order safely and securely without any problems or delays along the way.
Not Shopping Around For Better Shipping Options.
Many different shipping companies can provide you with the same service. However, they won't all give you the best deals and treatment.
Suppose you want to save money on shipping costs and ensure that your packages arrive safely in Nigeria. In that case, it is vital to shop around for better options. Here are some things to take into consideration when choosing which shipping company:
- The price of their services.
- How fast they deliver (or how long it takes).
- Their reputation (do other customers have good experiences with them?)
- Their customer service.
Being Unaware of the Rules and Regulations.
A common mistake shippers make is unaware of the rules and regulations when shipping from the USA to Nigeria. Many Customs rules and regulations apply to cross-border shipments into Nigeria. For example, you cannot ship firearms into Nigeria as the importation laws prohibit them.
If you have questions about how these rules apply to your particular situation, contact a reputable shipping company like Heroshe for advice. Read this for a more detailed article on items you can't ship into Nigeria.
Not Getting Shipping Insurance.
Not getting shipping insurance is a mistake when shipping from the USA to Nigeria. Many things can go wrong with your package, but you don't want to be responsible for paying for any damages that occur to it.
The good news is that there are many companies out there that offer shipping insurance options as part of their services. It might seem like an extra expense initially, but it is worth it if you want to ensure that your package arrives safely without any problems!
Avoid All These Shipping Mistakes
Many people have been shipping from the USA to Nigeria for years, but it is still not an easy task. You can do many things to ensure your goods arrive safely in Nigeria and avoid any major mishaps along the way. There are many ways to avoid shipping mistakes, but here are the most common ones:
- Carry out adequate research before using a particular shipping company.
- Be aware of the rules and regulations.
- Buying shipping insurance.
- Last but not least, let Heroshe be your trusted shipping buddy. When you choose to ship with Heroshe, you can rest assured that you are shipping safely and securely. We constantly improve our services and provide the best solutions for our customers.

We hope this article has helped you clear your mind on all the biggest mistakes you are making when shipping from America to Nigeria. Did we miss any tips? Please let us know in the comments section. For more information on shipping from the USA to Nigeria, please subscribe to the Heroshe blog.